Next steps after the „Reaching the millions“ event

10 action points

  1. All presentations, summaries of the sessions and main workshop outputs are made available under . There won’t be any additional workshop report.
  2. „The Hanoi Statement on RAS Designs“ will be revised based on the comments received and discussion during the workshop session on March 7th, 2015. An advanced draft will be put forward for discussion on the „Reaching the Millions“ – dgroups during the first two weeks of April 2015.
  3. The in this way finalised “The Hanoi Statement on RAS Designs“ will be promoted and widely shared in the networks of the participating organisations, foremost on
  4. The five case-studies of SDC financed RAS projects in Asia and the two country studies of the large RAS country systems (India and China) will be finalised and made publicly available; again through the networks of the participating organisations.
  5. The five case-studies of SDC financed RAS projects in Asia and the two country studies of the large RAS country systems will be further analysed in the form of a synthesis report. This report will be shared, too.
  6. The material mentioned under bullet points 1 – 5 will be further treated to be in a form to be published in the magazine “Rural21” ( ).
  7. The “Hanoi Statement” will be further condensed to a SDC policy paper that shall guide the design of future SDC financed RAS projects.
  8. The results of the workshop “Reaching the millions” will in one or the other form feed into the next Annual Conference of GFRAS ( ) in September 2015 in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia.
  9. Cases discussed during the “Reaching the millions” workshop may contribute to the GFRAS “Global Good Practices Initiative”, a collection of systematised theoretical and practical know-how and experiences. GFRAS is open to receive additional proposals for good practices; see
  10. Further action lines that GFRAS will undertake are summarised in the presentation Annual Meeting and GGP next steps Reaching the millions

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